
Sea ice: what I do in my spare time

Fairly soon now I'm off to NZ (oh dear, my CO2 burden...) to present some sea ice work. The poster part of it is nz-hadcm3.pdf. I have a day or two left, so feel free to point out typos and gross scientific errors.

The theme of the work is upgrading the sea ice dynamics in HadCM3, which has occurred just in time for it to be replaced by HadGEM. Never mind, we learnt a lot in the process. Mostly we learnt how hard it is to force the sea ice to behave itself in a coupled model.

The poster (in theory) says it all, so I won't explain at length here: but feel free to ask questions...


  1. You did ask...."parametrisation" should read "parameterisation".

  2. HaDGEM is old hat. HaDGEM2 is the new kid on the block :-)

  3. Parametrisation: with or without the E is possible.

    HadGEM1a is next, James: don't run too fast...

    Chris: thanks; fixed (I'd already found the can). There are a few others too (now fixed offline). Fig 7: rats: spot the text ripped from my paper... above/below: yes. You are doing a good job: how are your proofreading rates?

  4. Dear lord, who ever thought a stoat would take up Tom Sawyerism...

  5. Hey,

    as a "already quite a long time" reader of your blog, I'm happy to see that you come to New Zealand, I'll sincerely hope that I will be able to talk to you there (you're by accident not taking the NZ flight Londen Auckland of friday afternoon?)


  6. Sorry for the thread hijack but


    Can you clarify what you mean by cpdn using "static sea ice"? Is this detailed anywhere on their web site? I don't recall seeing it mentioned in the paper.

    Maybe it is just a terminological inexactitude? We used a standard sea-ice model in our work, and although it did cause some problems, we managed to cope ok in the end. It's a potential source of instability due to the way it insulates the ocean (heat transport) from the atmosphere. But of course our method is quite good at picking "balanced" perturbations :-)

  7. If "static" sea ice means turning off the ice dynamics (ie movement) then this sounds like a Bad Idea to me. Snow: there is a "white ice" param which should convert xs snow into sea ice if it would depress the snow level below sea level.

    Wouter: I am indeed taking the 14:?5 flight via LA. Hope we can meet up...

  8. Chris - I've never used the slab model (ugh :-) so I'm not sure. But now I know what you look like... I would suspect that there should be some kind of sea ice flux correction is the ice isn't moving, but I'm only guessing.
