
Assimilated by the Borg

I'd delighted to announce that I am joining such august company as Chris Mooney, Tim Lambert, and many more in being assimilated by the Borg, aka Scienceblogs. It looks like I'm now online at http://scienceblogs.com/stoat/; there are still a few minor setup issues (I hope "who is that in the picture"? won't be an issue by the time you go over and check).

Fear not! My editoiral independence is unchanged, and I still get to be called Stoat.


  1. Does it have a spillchucker :-?

  2. Pendant.

    Miriam tells me that I ought to say that I'm *only* blogging there from now on. I thought that was obvious. But, here you are!

  3. Seed has guaranteed my (and others', as far as I can tell) editorial independence. And the payments, though larger than google adsense, aren't large enough to buy my soul yet.

    If Seed has a party line, I'm not sure what it is. Kevin Vrames has done one piece attacking Chris Mooney, so all is not sweetness and light between us, and I expect to disagree with K on occaision.

  4. I have nothing else to say but goodluck! Enjoy every road you endeavor. I hope you get to achieve what you are striving for.

  5. How embarrassing for you. To be associated with a lot of other jerks who are totally unable to come up with even the slightest evidence for this fraud you are all pushing.

    None of you has the evidence. So lets get this over with now.

    1. We need evidence for the likelihood of catastrophic warming.

    2. Evidence for the idea that a little human-induced warming IS A BAD THING during a brutal and pulverising ice age.


    3. While it seems entirely plausible we still need evidence that CO2 can warm anything in a non-negligible way globally and at sea level.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. "editoiral"

    Is that suppose to be stylish or something?
