
BBC goes cpdn

The BBC seems to be promoting the Climateprediction.net stuff: go to http://bbc.cpdn.org/. Good for cpdn I guess.


  1. 99,000 hosts have joined the BBC Climate Change Experiment in the last 10 days.

    Only 28,000 have managed to do a model year yet, but that is still like a couple of Earth Simulators.

    Enough to keep me busy answering questions anyway ;)

    There was a programme called Meltdown shown on BBC4. I think it is going to be repeated on BBC2.

    Thanks for the link. :)


  2. When I joined in I checked the stats of all the other users and realised the ancient 900 Athlon & 1.7 Pentium combined weren't really going to cut the mustard compared to the raft of 3GHz machines out there... so I went and built a system that was gonna give a proper contribution LOL

    Oh, and I do use it to do work aswell ;)
