
Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I

Continuing my art series, wherein I offer you plebs advice about which pictures are worth your attention, from the heights of my cultured elegance. It also serves as a partial answer to CIP's "eh it were better in t' old days", first popularised by Plato. But then so does Heart of Darkness.

Path: Gustave Moreau: The Apparition, via fb; to Musée d'Orsay; to Gustav Klimt.


* The ParkBuchenwald I.


  1. Painting better than the poem.

  2. Who can balance a painting against a poem? But I am inclined to agree with you. The poem was mostly to illustrate a point, rather than for its greatness. It had to be at least above good.

  3. Sorry this is off topic, but in light of your previous writing on climate change lawsuits I'd be interested to see your thoughts in pixel on the following piece on Quillette: https://quillette.com/2018/10/30/previously-unrecognized-rights-climate-change-lawsuits-and-the-rule-of-law/

  4. By strange co-incidence, I've just written this, to which I added your link. I didn't read it in detail, but it looks to be about my views. If you're interested in details, try over there.

  5. Yes , David, but the duchess may have been better than both.
    To test this hypothesis, William should attend next season's Opera at Sion; tickets from the Committee for same.

  6. Well we did the baths can opera be far behind? For walking, "an audacious program, going off the beaten tracks" is splendid, errm, as long as you don't get lost; perhaps beyond my taste in music.

  7. Sorry for the ambiguous directions- next time proceed from Les Bains de Saillon to Syon Park for


  8. The famous 'Woman in Gold',a subject of the famous restitution law suit.
