
Energy Secretary Chris Wright Sees Opportunity In Ecological Collapse?

Screenshot_20250224-160435 Celeb Watch: Energy Secretary Chris Wright Sees Opportunity In Ecological Collapse says Michael Mann. Or does he? Strictly speaking, all he does is quote someone else's post, but I think we can take it that he endorses the message. Is he correct to do so? No, of course not.

The article begins by calling him a "a slimy worm" just to make their biases clear, which is nice of them but not really necessary. We then move somewhat belately on to...

What he actually said: "Climate change is a global challenge that we need to solve... There’s pluses to global warming... Everything in life has trade-offs". So far so true; not exactly how I'd phrase it, but not a disaster either. And the explicit mention of trade-offs is good: far too often the Woke Side likes to pretend there are no trade-offs, or that they aren't important enough to talk about; this is always wrong.

They then present three taking points from CW: “A warmer planet with more CO2 is better for growing plants”; “The world has been getting greener for decades—[there’s] 14 percent more greenery around the planet today than there was 40 years ago”; “We have far more people die of the cold than die of the heat”. None of that is particularly interesting or novel; but paraphrasing it as "Opportunity In Ecological Collapse" is dishonest, and we should try to remember that we're the Good Side. Or at least I am; I'm not really sure who is on the same side any more.

Finally, I'd like to leave you this lovely cartoon that came my way today.


Hopefully our charming English argot has now penetrated sufficiently to help you Yanks avoid these little faux pas in future.

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