This shows I think that there is scope for more solar and wind before getting problems with running out of the gas+imports buffer, but that we'll start hitting limits eventually. An alternative view is provided in this twit, showing percent not absolutes, but it is somewhat misleading; notice how nooks look like they're variable, but of course they aren't.
Some people are very anti-gas, including the predictably-wrong David Roberts, but I think that's misguided. I was going to rant about that post but decided I couldn't be bothered. I was also going to rant about A call to climate action by that nice Jonathan Overpeck in that rag Science but realised that was misguided: he has nothing new to say, and I have nothing new to say in response.
* Down with pumped hydro storage, Up with dispatchable hydropower! - Brian
* Speaking of which: Stemming the Plastic Tide: 10 Rivers Contribute Most of the Plastic in the Oceans / The Yangtze alone pours up to an estimated 1.5 million metric tons into the Yellow Sea. None of them are in the West, who could possibly have guessed?
* Why is Immigration a "Contentious Issue in Classical Liberalism"? by Bryan Caplan
* 100 years of electricity generation in Great Britain... Just look how rapidly things have changed over the last decade! @Draxnews Electric Insights. https://electricinsights.co.uk
* British coal plants fired up to meet temporary electricity shortfall: Remaining UK coal plants, including Drax, supply 6% of grid’s electricity to cover power supply drop and colder weather - now (2020/11), turning on coal is a notable thing in itself.