From closer up things are not bad, there is honey in all five supers
but perhaps the pattern is not all that could be desired.

I predict pain and effort when I come back in a week or two to take some honey off.
We'll see.
Update: recolte
I ended up taking off three supers, saving my poor old back by trundling them into the car with the aid of N's wheelbarrow. I wanted to do them at my leisure at home, foreseeing (per the above) some pain. However, things turned out surprisingly well: very little had set, and much of that was probably from a previous year. I could have taken off more I suppose, but some of it wasn't very capped, and I like to leave them something, and three fairly full supers is quite enough to manage in one go.

Update: return
On a warm sunny Sunday a week later I took the spun supers back
The hive was fine before; they were happy during; and fine after. Note the woodpecker damage in the top super in the wheelbarrow. I ended up (by happy chance) swapping that for one of N's supers, and took that home to repair in due course.
Uupdate: autumn.
* My apiary.
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