As a tribute to him, I can imagine no better memorial than the Youtube video that WUWT recommends, especially TB himself speaking. TB leads off with Global Cooling, but as you'd expect, doesn't talk about the science, instead he talks about a pop book: Lowell Ponte's The Cooling. Then there's a pile of paranoia about Maurice Strong. Then (15:20) he confuses the radiative effects of clouds with those of humidity. Then some paranoia about Soros. Then I got bored.
* Patrick Michaels suffers hard delete
* Mann vs Ball dismissal: the transcript
* No, a cherry-picked analysis doesn’t demonstrate that we’re not in a climate crisis - ATTP. Though I still find all the stuff I read on TC's etc deeply unconvincing; e.g. Hurricane Ian is no anomaly. The climate crisis is making storms more powerful by Michael E Mann and Susan Joy Hassol.
* Latour has kicked it, too. As RS notes.
* What Conservatives Have Forgotten about Subsidiarity and the Common Good.
* Henderson on Gray's Arbitrary Lines.
* The End of History and The Last Man and Liberalism and Its Discontents.
* Governments do not stabilize markets by Scott Sumner.
* Ukraine’s Path to Victory - https://www.foreignaffairs.com/.
1. Finally, there's an obit in the Winnipeg Free Press.
1 comment:
TB was one of the people that gave scepticism a bad name. I never heard him say anything that wasn't utter drivel.
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