Overall, I feel hopeful.
The Israelis are pushing their hand a bit; some of this is reasonable, some perhaps less so; but the new bloke is so far being very sensible about it and saying, correctly, that rebuilding Syria is his first priority. The Russians are fucking off, which is always good news for anywhere; the Turks are a bit murkier, ditto the Iranians.
The optimistic scenario is that the Syrians do indeed settle down to national reconstruction, focussing on actually making life better for the people rather than the minutiae of borders or imposing theocracy. They (continuing the optimism) stop terrorists using it as a pathway to attacking Israel; reach an accomodation with Israel on the frontier; reach an accomodation with the Kurds; and expel Iran. Whose theocracy then falls, leading to an outbreak of Peace and Light across the entire region. Oh, and of course the idiot West revokes their blacklisting.
Apart from that I leave you with a collection of links to my previous thoughts on this and related topics.
* [2013] Syria: the West makes the usual mistake.
* [2015] The UK should not bomb Syria. [2019] Governance is hard.
* [2020] Coronavirus days: more endless summer.
* SCOTUS: How To Think About Justice Jackson "& Juliet": answer: the Supremes should have the sense to decline such offers.
* Syrian HTS leader says rebel factions that overthrew Assad will be ‘disbanded’ (FFS Graun, will you drop the shit-for-brains scare quotes please?).
* Army chief elected Lebanon's president after years of deadlock [2025/01/09].
* Syria's New Government Cancels Russian Port Lease at Tartus - caution non-mainstream source.
"They are considered illegal under international law..."
Good to know you're such a strong supporter of law... Tell us, what would Hobbes think?
Well at least some in Israel understand that taking land is not the path to peace...
"However, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert said he did not "see any reason" for the country to expand into Golan Heights."
I pointed out earlier the invasion of Gaza would be used as a rationale to take land, as they did in the West Bank. As Israel has done repeatedly since (and including) 1948.
Why would that lead to peace? The only way it leads to peace is by displacing them and taking it. That's colonialism.
It's been know by many names....
The Great Game
Terra Nullius
Manifest Destiny
This article provides a useful quote: "But though there had never been any time, wherein particular men were in a condition of warre one against another; yet in all times, Kings, and Persons of Soveraigne authority, because of their Independency, are in continuall jealousies, and in the state and posture of Gladiators; having their weapons pointing, and their eyes fixed on one another; that is, their Forts, Garrisons, and Guns upon the Frontiers of their Kingdomes; and continuall Spyes upon their neighbours; which is a posture of War." Which you could deduce from the well-known bits of Hobbes: without the civil sword covenants are but words.
As for your protestations, they are hollow: you give not a toss for Syrian territorial integrity when it is the Turks doing the invading.
Of course I care about the Turks killing Kurds. Don't reflect your own attitudes on me.
Don't pretend it's me obsessed with Israel and the Middle East, you're the one blogging about it. After claiming you don't care you've probably had another 6? Posts on it.
Does Hobbes promote conquest?
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