* Jan: Aristotle's politics (38)
* Feb: A note on fossil fuel subsidies (30)
* Mar: Brexit schmexit (31)
* Apr: L'affaire Peter Ridd, part 2 (25)
* May: UK Parliament declares climate change emergency? (38)
* Jun: Does J R Oppenheimer ask: can science provide better models for democracy? (48)
* Jul: The One Viable Solution To Climate Change? (35)
* Aug: A dangerous new form of climate denialism is making the rounds? (22)
* Sep: Demons Tormenting St. Anthony (21)
* Oct: Economists greatly underestimate the price tag on harsher weather and higher seas. Why is that? (30)
* Nov: Pielke contra mundum (40)
* Dec: Sigh: DOE announces another lightbulb efficiency rollback (28)
Thanks to all my commentators for their contributions throughout the year. Rest assured that I read them all, and think about them all, and reply when it seems appropriate. To all you lurkers out there: welcome also.
Most of the posts I looked back at had typos; I've corrected some and in a couple of minor places clarified meanings that appeared unclear.
* The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne (2018). Regrettably, I have failed in last year's resolve to insult more people this year.
* ATTP: 2019: A year in review.
* JEB: Review of the blogyear?
Happy New Year.
Let me add my voice to Mr. Venema's. Happy New Year.
Thanks to you both; and to you. I look forward to more interesting discussions in the year(s) to come.
You're wrong, there are many different objective measures you could have used, like the largest volume of commentage, the fewest comments, the longest single comment, longest post, alphabetical by title of post, the most annoying pedantic complaint - ok that last one is probably subjective, but I'm still making a strong early bid for for 2020, aren't I?
I'm going to read that phrase "more interesting discussions" in the sense it was meant :-)
If I may do some what-about-ism, you were also wrong James. If I remember correctly, you claimed Brexit would not happen because that would not be rational. History is richer than that.
Yes, one should never musinderestimate the stupidity of the great british public, but I really didn't expect a whole political party and the civil service to go along with it too.
Mind you, I should point out that the only thing that is going to happen at the end of the month is a phoney pretend brexit, a let's-keep-all-the-obligations-and-trappings-of-membership-while-technically-not-being-so. We still have to wait and see what actually happens in the long term. Apart from us all being dead.
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