One John Christy (I presume it is he) says Half truths are nothing but lies. The oceans are not rising any faster than before. You can see all the correct science at cctruth.org.
David Albert says Climate change later in this century will be dominated by declining solar activity not CO2 or human activity. Human CO2 will never exceed 20% of the atmospheric content (Harde2017). To assert that it will warm in the future and that warming will be controlled by human emissions is speculative not supported by data.
Ross McKitrick says ...The wording in the opening sentence is imprecise and overconfident. There is little reliable information about the pace of changes on decadal and centennial time scales throughout Earth's history, yet you state without any qualifications that modern rates of change are unprecedented...
Angelica Marchia says The report should remove the unsupported major claim in that "... emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause of the observed warming..." The claim (that CO2 causes global warming) is unsupported by any valid method that has been properly published and peer reviewed.
David Wojick says This entire Message states a clearly false claim. The scientific literature is full of discussions of possible natural causes for the observed changes. Moreover, there are numerous studies that suggest that these changes are well within the range of natural variability.
Jan Dash (who has a PhD, you know) adds a comment that apparently comes from " Richard McNider and John Christy, The University of Alabama in Huntsville": In the last 25 years climate science assessment documents from the IPCC to the Present NCA-4 have devolved from a rational accounting of knowns and unknowns to a one-sided epistle for climate action...
Michael MacCracken says lots of things, but since he's mostly sane I didn't bother read any of them.
There are 251 pages of comments in total. Lord help anyone who has to read it all.
" Human CO2 will never exceed 20% of the atmospheric content (Harde2017)."
oh dear... :-(
I don't think that is the actual John Christy. If you follow the link, it seems to be the personal site of one or more climate-skeptical researchers, largely focused (1) photosynthesis, (2) ocean evaporation, and (3) begging for money. Poking around, I see the author(s?) refer to themselves as "chemical engineers", and a photo on the presentations page identifies at least one of the authors as "Dave White". (They don't seem big on stating clearly who is actually behind the website, despite presenting themselves as researchers and asking for money.) I don't think Christy would choose this site to highlight over all of the others available on the internet supporting his view (and actually, I'm not sure this site _does_ support his view). Finally, the language of the comment doesn't sound like a published scientist. "Half truths are nothing but lies" is far too direct.
There are a few other comments in the document (posted under other names) which claim to be reposting comments by Christy (found by ctrl-F). I don't know if that's true, but at the very least (given how the comments read) the attribution seems more reasonable.
Correction to previous comment - a published scientist writing in a professional capacity in a public comment.
There's something weird with the names and the comments. Most obviously, there are several comments from David Wojick, followed by some from "Christen Armstrong" with the exact same structure as those comments from Wojick, followed by some comments attributed to David Wojick again. Christen Armstrong may be working in the NOAA administration (assuming I googled the right person), which suggests something went wrong with the attribution there. Perhaps the same happened to "John Christy"?
Javier Lorenzo Galindo Ozuna: I found Madeleine and real brothers!!! His false name is Raquel LudeƱa My name is Javier Lorenzo Galindo Ozuna and my brother Eric Garrido. We all live in Sant Andreu de la Barca
Response: The content of this comment has absolutely nothing to do with the scope of this document. However, the commenter's excitement is noted.
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